Lafayette KT-135 EXPLOR-AIR radio kit

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Lafayette KT-135
More KT-135s. Because once you've assembled one, you can't stop looking at how other people did theirs.

On this specimen the bottom left knob is missing the aluminum insert. These are nearly impossible to find.
You have to buy another KT-135 just for the knob, then you have a $100 knob and another radio that needs the same knob.

Lafayette KT-135
Second Prize Winner!

Lafayette KT-135
First Prize Winner!
Lafayette KT-135
A pristine front panel and cabinet!
Lafayette KT-135
This came from ebay. It sold for $90 with shipping on Aug 26, 2018. The seller got it at a yard sale, so the builder is now unknown.
Lafayette KT-135
Whoever built this one did an excellent job.
The soldering is so good the new filter caps were spliced in so as not to disturb the connections.
It looks sloppy, but if follows the original wires exactly. Notice the line cord (brown wire) is connected in a similar manner.

ebay October 2021
Another First Prize winner!
Yes, two winners. This one has the post-1967 knobs and is actually from 1969. From ebay, October 2021.
ebay October 2021
Expertly assembled.
Too bad about the electrical tape, but this was sold with the original capacitor included, which can be re-stuffed and reinserted.
Lafayette Explor-Air
Notice there is a bushing where the capacitor shaft goes through the front panel on the right. A nice improvement.
KT-135 with manual
Very interesting manual cover! Included was the original filter cap, which can be restuffed. The person who won this auction didn't pay for it! It was relisted and someone used the "buy it now" option and grabbed it for $200.

Lafayette KT-135
"This is beautiful! What is that? Velvet?"
Lafayette KT-135
Lafayette KT-135
Very nice. Very clean. With the maroon velvet background, this is KT-135 porn.

Lafayette KT-135
Check out the manual. Black with a white border. It seems to be an older manual, but the front panel of the radio and the knobs (what are left of them) are the newer version.

The orange wire from the filter capacitor shouldn't be on that tube socket, because the original capacitor is still in the circuit.
You can barely see it, to the left of the arrow, under the resistor.

Lafayette KT-135
Old style front panel, new style knobs, old style manual. Very interesting!

Lafayette KT-135
Very nice front panel. What happened to the finishing washers in the corners?

Lafayette KT-135
A nice one from 1972, but lacking the corner finishing washers. This went up on ebay in February of 2019.
Lafayette KT-135
Here's the underside. A big metal filter capacitor has been wedged between the coil for Band B and the chassis, held in by the bracket from the original capacitor. Not to worry, a piece of paper has also been wedged in to prevent all sort of short circuit mayhem, since the outside of the can is now connected to the AC line. I wonder if anyone noticed that even though the can is insulated from the chassis with a piece of paper, the bracket holding it in place is bolted right to said chassis.

The AC cord is bent at an impossible angle. How is it staying that way? It also appears there was a small fire in the volume control, top right. The seller stated it was in "amazing working condition." It sold for $169 + $16.92 shipping.
volume control
"Amazing, working" volume control.
Melted wires, and rust where the plating had been burnt off - in a bright orange flash and a loud report.
hose clamp
MY EYES!! Aaaargh!!

Lafayette KT-135
All the disk capacitors in this early model are red! The filter capacitor has been replaced with one made by "Sprague."
Whoever replaced it didn't bother with the DOZEN bad solder joints that made this radio unusable.

Lafayette KT-135
Here's the front of the radio that has the red disk capacitors. Very interesting pointer knobs.

Lafayette KT-135
Those wide dial pointers are very disturbing.
Lafayette KT-135
The set with the wide dial pointers has a speaker grille that extends past the speaker.

Lafayette Explor-Air KT-135
This one has something in common with the one above. What do you think it is?

Lafayette Explor-Air KT-135
This one sold for $152.50 plus $30 on ebay in November of 2021. It has something in common with the two above.
Space Spanner knobs
Notice the "collar" on the small knobs. These knobs are the same Daka-Ware knobs used on the Knight Space Spanner.  
Space Spanner
Here's a Knight Space Spanner. What do you think about the knobs?
Mike Cutler trash picked radio
The mystery deepens... Mike Cutler found this one in the trash. It's a very early one, all original, probably from the 1960s.
Mike Cutler trash picked radio
It's extremely unlikely this KT-135 was modified in any way and we see the "collars" on the knobs, so Lafayette must have used them in the early days of production. The good news is that these knobs are still being made today so you can use them in a restoration.

Lafayette KT-135
This is a nice one, except for the screws holding it into the case.

Lafayette KT-135
Here's one from 1968 with Lafayette tubes.

Lafayette KT-135
From ebay. Let's see a picture of the front, please. Oh wait. There isn't one. Where is the strain relief on the AC cord?
The capacitor on the left is floating in the air! What happened to the terminal post?
See the chewed up tops on the coils? That's what happens when you don't have a cabinet.
Lafayette KT-135
Not sure what is going on here.
There is an extra capacitor on the left. An antique "Solaris" cap on the right is connected to something or other.

Lafayette KT-135 
This is what happens when dad has to get up for work at 6AM and you start fiddling
with the regen control at one in the morning.  From ebay November 2024. 
Next, more KT-135s!