The Ferrite Ferret
TRF AM receiver

       Analog Dial         Ferrite Ferret   Construction #1   Construction #2   Notes   Ron Buckwell

Ferrite Ferret
The Ferrite Ferret.
This is a great AM radio, built around a TA7642 AM radio chip.
Its name is a play on the "Ferrite Fox". (see below)

Ferrite Ferret
It's small and portable. If this web page were a radio magazine from the
1930s it would say you can take it camping, or take it on your bicycle.
Ferrite Ferret side view
It ferrets out radio waves very well. It even picked up the digital
camera when it came close (sounds like a whistling tea kettle).

Ferrite Ferret
From the top. Doesn't look like much here but it works very well. I can take it camping and on my bicycle.

Ferrite Ferret
View from the back.

The coil is the simplest part, but one of the most important parts of the radio. This one is wound on a plastic cap from a highlighter.
Why not just wind it directly on the ferrite rod, and what's that little white thing on the left side of the coil? Stay tuned.

breadboard radio
This project started with the building of a Ferrite Fox. What is a Ferrite Fox?


Ferrite Fox
The Ferrite Fox, version #5 built by "Night Flyer" of The Radio Board.
 This is the most serious rendition of a TA7642 or MK484 based radio I've found.

Built on a printed circuit board and mounted in a plastic enclosure, you can take it camping or on your bicycle.

radio in a canoe
This guy, in 1933, took his version of the Ferrite Ferrite on a canoe ride!

This is an AC tube set modified to work on batteries. What is the first thing he did with it? He grabbed his bicycle, rode to his camping spot and got into a canoe with it. Tube radios and water are a good mix. So are long pants and a tie when you capsize your canoe. Is that Ralph Nader?

Finished radio

For anyone interested in building a TA7642 or MK484 based radio, the next few  pages
will show some of the building of this one, and a few tips on the construction.
